Wednesday 29 June 2011

Another teaspoonful of who I am

I am...

an addict to fascinating novels & movie series,
an admirer of the characters Bella Swan & Edward Cullen,
an aficionado of soft music,
a bossy commander when playing army games with my brothers,
a cheerless crier while watching sad and touching scenes of a movie,
a coward of riding on a bike as a passenger,
a crazy partner when playing pc games, monopoly and any other board games that you can name,
a creative artist in designing anything once my inspiration comes,
a dependable and trustworthy buddy to all my pals,
a dreamer who dreams much and will strive my hardest to achieve them,
an enthusiast of watching airplanes landing and taking off,
a fan of all spicy foods, especially curry,
a 'fragile glass' who breaks down easily under uncontrollable, heart-breaking circumstances,
a good laughing hyena when listening to hot jokes,
a good Nescafe maker,
a helpless person who will cease to exist in the extinction of love & care,
a loud howler whether a team goals in a football match or not,
a lovable and disturb-able sis to all my big-bad-cousins,
a lover of lavender and champagne rose,
a magnet to the phenomenon of falling down the stairs (i guess it's my nature),
a monstrous sis to my 2 little brothers (or so i feel),
a passionate explorer in searching for delicious food,
a precious stone in my father's eyes,
a quiet listener to all who spills their secrets into my valley of hush-hushes,
a strong anti against smoking and pubs.
a sweet pea to my Mr. right-to-be (fate depending),
a talkative complainer to all things that don't seem right to me (but am trying to talk less now),
a timid mouse who is frightened of watching anything that is scary,
a true believer of God and Jesus Christ,
a warm companion in my mother's world.

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