Friday 1 July 2011

"The Lords of the Ring"

The world is changing, I feel it in the water... I feel it in the earth... I smell it in the air... Much that once was will forever dwell in our memories, for those now lived will remember it... 

In a world called Earth, among 6,852,472,823 inhabitants, there were 4 ladies and 1 gentleman who have pledged to be BFFs, holding true to each other upon the ring that exists in their hearts. The camaraderie began with much laughter, excitement and also an immense amount of craziness, but again fostered by sadness and gloom that continuously acted as their reminder to cherish one another, whenever and wherever they may be. 

As Lords of the ring, they were abided by the tenets that govern their fellowship: they shall not deceive nor be deceived, they shall not use nor be used, they shall not offend nor be offended... Such principles in mind have nurtured and strengthened their friendships, and could not be shattered by any of a dwarf's axe, an elf's arrow, a man's sword or a wizard's staff. 

Being armours and swords of the comradeship, they shall fight alongside one another until the end of time, or till death do they part...

~ la fin ~

I'd like to especially dedicate this story to my comrades and BFFs - Angelina, Charlene, Janson and Valerie

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